Tyrian is a 501c3 inter-spiritual network created to awaken the arts, healing, and peace within each of us.

Overall, 501c3 organizations play a crucial role in addressing societal needs, promoting the public good, and advancing various charitable causes. By providing tax benefits to donors and tax-exempt status to organizations, the 501c3 designation encourages philanthropy and supports the nonprofit sector in the United States.
We are a community focused on intentional learning and growth. Through celebrating those and their contributions to creativity, health, and peacemaking, we focus on enhancing our community. By highlighting individuals who meet the aforementioned themes, growth thrives.
Founded in the year 2000 on Kelleys Island, Ohio, we look fondly on our progress since – and are inspired by the future ahead. ‘Tyrian Network’ is named in honor of the goddess and saint, Brigid, who’s legendary mantle named the organization for the Tyrian color of Brigid’s mantle. She serves as the perfect building block of our organization, being known as one who creates, heals, and guides her land in peace. The Celtic Brigid was a patron of the arts, midwifery, farming, and wood + metal working. However, first and foremost, she was a visionary focused on community building.
Creativity plays a vital role in fostering vibrant and thriving communities. It is a powerful force that fuels innovation, brings people together, and enriches the quality of life for individuals and the community as a whole. We select an artist annually to honor with the annual Tyrian Artist Award along with the Irene Sukle Art Teacher Award which is awarded every 3-5 years.
We also focus on our own creative projects within the network through our contributions to the Cultural Gardens and the annual One World Day event that takes place within the gardens. In 2002 we began restoration of the Tyrian Oasis, rumored to have been an underground railroad stop on Cleveland’s West Side and consecrated the home in 2003 as an Urban Ashram in Ohio City.
Health is a fundamental aspect of community well-being and plays a crucial role in shaping the overall quality of life for individuals and communities. The importance of health in a community can be understood through several key aspects: Individual well-being, social cohesion, quality healthcare, and resilience.
Dagmar Braun Celeste, ordained roman catholic priest, author, and longtime life balance coach resides in Ohio and provides life coaching and spiritual direction based on The Tyrian Way, an inter-spiritual horarium.
Furthermore, members of Tyrian were instrumental in helping Mary Jo Ruggieri grow the Columbus and Cleveland Polarity Schools as well Holistic Health Careers.

Peace-making is of utmost importance in a community as it promotes harmony, social stability, and overall well-being. It encompasses efforts to prevent conflicts, resolve disputes with respect, and foster a culture of cooperation among community members.
Along with the annual award for peace-making, we also (co)sponsor annual events associated with International Peace Day on September the 22nd.
Previously, in partnership with women in Kildare, Ireland – Brigid’s birthplace and Sacred Space – in Cleveland, Ohio we sponsored a Brigid Peace Festival every year until 2007.
Furthermore, Tyrian supports the formation of a U.S. Peace Department, the Ohio Commission of Conflict Resolution, The George Mason University peace education efforts, and periodically hosts Peace Forums with Nobel Peace Prize Winners.
First Friday
Every First Friday we preside at liturgical gatherings at Dagmar’s Winton Place Aerie in Lakewood, Ohio, cosponsored by the Community of St. Bridget, the Saint Barnabas Mission, and the Federation of Christian Ministries.
For sign up in circle & to schedules PreCana and Life Balance Coaching sessions call Dagmar at the Tyrian Network, 330-536-9407. Dagmar Braun Celeste, author and longtime Life Balance coach is Tyrian’s executve director and provides life coaching and spiritual direction based on The Tyrian Way an inter-spiritual horarium/handbook she developed following her ordination in 2002. (RCWP, Roman Catholic Women Priests)